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martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

Control Your House From Your Smartphone With Revolv for iOS


As futuristic as it may still sound, syncing up your home's appliances and controlling them with your mobile device is science fact, not science fiction. Several products are on the market, but a new one stands out because it not only links up your whole house, it works in unison with your existing automated systems.

In July, Revolv, a Colorado company incubated out of the startup accelerator TechStars, announced pre-sales for Smart Home Solution, which makes your entertainment system, wireless lighting, automated locks, and thermostat all accessible and controllable via your iPhone or iPad.

More about Gadgets, Home, Hardware, Internet Of Things, and Belkin
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Los autónomos estarán obligados a declarar 'online' a partir de 2014

El papel como herramienta para cumplir con Hacienda tiene los días contados: la Agencia Tributaria (Aeat) acaba de lanzar a consulta pública una Orden Ministerial que eliminará la posibilidad de entregar declaraciones rellenadas a mano a partir de 2014 en la práctica totalidad de los casos, salvando, por ahora, la declaración de la Renta -al menos de momento- y los pagos fraccionados, donde se aplicará a partir de 2015.
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lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

20 Tips to Amplify Your Brand on LinkedIn [SLIDESHOW]

In the world of small business and entrepreneurship, the lines between personal and company branding are faint – sometimes nonexistent. Success is about constantly using your personal network to reach new partners, customers, and talent on behalf of your company. All the while, you’re managing your company’s online properties to create a coherent and trusted [...]
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The Online Activity That's Keeping You Unemployed


You've heard it before: "The Internet is forever." So you should know that when your friend posts a picture of you staggeringly drunk on Facebook, it may come back to haunt you.

Businesses are now using social networking sites to scope out applicants, and that embarrassing picture — and other bad behavior found on your profile — may make your job search more difficult.

In a recent Jobvite survey, over 40% of companies said they reconsidered candidates based on the content of their social profiles, including Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Employers are more likely to view a candidate negatively if there are signs of illegal drug use or posts of a sexual nature on their profiles. Positive posts can influence decisions as well; over 60% of companies involved in the study said that evidence of volunteering or other charitable acts reflected well on the applicant Read more...

More about Social Networking, Social Media, Features, Business, and Infographics
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7 Things You Didn't Know Bitly Could Do


Your 140 characters are precious. Nobody wants to waste valuable Twitter type on extra-long hyperlinks; that's why shortlink generators like Bitly are indispensable to tweeters in the know. And even though Twitter now has its own shortlink service, Bitly has stayed one step ahead by offering detailed data analysis on every link you share.

As the world's largest URL shortener, Bitly converts tedious links into bite-sized "bitmarks," perfect for character-sensitive microblogging platforms like Twitter

But if you're only using Bitly to generate shortlinks, you might be missing out. Bitly also personalizes your links, bundles URLs by theme, automatically generates bitmarks for your blog and more. Read more...

More about Twitter, Social Media, Features, Analytics, and Bit.Ly
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Twitter gives itself cautious $10.5bn price tag - Financial Times

Twitter gives itself cautious $10.5bn price tag
Financial Times
The internet company wants to restrain the kind of runaway enthusiasm that created IPO problems for Facebook and Groupon, putting a conservative estimate on its worth when it made its largest ever acquisition on Monday. The 140-character messaging site ...

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Si buscas empleo recuerda que la foto de tu currículum forma parte tu marca ... - Puro Marketing

Si buscas empleo recuerda que la foto de tu currículum forma parte tu marca ...
Puro Marketing
Son muchos los que buscan empleo o pretenden mejorar el que ya tienen a través de Internet. Redes sociales y portales de empleo son claves en la búsqueda de talento. Pero no menos importante es el networking presencial. En cualquier caso, tanto si ...

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